Man and Woman sitting front row during an education session at M-PACT



M-PACT 2025 features targeted education programs aimed to help your business excel this year and beyond. Make plans to register your team and take advantage of the education programs offered at M-PACT 2025.

Hydrogen on the Horizon: What to Expect

This session will offer an insightful overview of the rapidly evolving hydrogen landscape and its potential role in shaping the future of energy. Attendees will gain an understanding of how hydrogen technologies are poised to complement traditional energy systems, offering opportunities for growth and innovation across the energy sector. The discussion will cover the current status of hydrogen deployment, key challenges, and the collaborative efforts needed to build a resilient hydrogen economy in the region and beyond.

Des Carlisle, Executive Director
Southeast Hydrogen Energy Alliance
Website | LinkedIn

Date: Thursday, April 3, 2025

Time: 9:00 am – 9:50 am

Location: Room 136, 1st Floor, Hall H